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Thank you for supporting generational healing in Minneapolis this year. Whether you participated in programs or donated, whether you volunteered or advocated, you are helping this generation to heal so the next generation thrives. 

As Bayo Akomolafe writes, “The times are urgent: let’s slow down.” We hope this seasonal care package invites you to slow down and find moments of connection and purpose amidst the busyness of the season.

Together, we can nurture healing and hope for ourselves and future generations.

Strong Families

As part of our 2gen approach, we believe strong families form the foundation of strong communities—advancing generational healing at household and community levels.

Generational healing in Minneapolis through strong families: 

"Treating each other and ourselves with care isn't a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we're going to thrive." 

Tricia Hersey, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto
“Treating each other and ourselves with care isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we’re going to thrive.”

Tricia Hersey, Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto

Vital Communities

Our 146-year legacy of generational healing in Minneapolis includes building partnerships that build community resources and strength.

“We mistakenly believe ‘belongings will fill our hunger, when it is belonging that we crave.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Better Futures for Children

Strong families and vital communities support a world in which all children, regardless of income or origin, have the opportunity to thrive.

“You’ll find wisdom in your winter, and once it’s over, it’s your responsibility to pass it on.”

Katherine May, Wintering